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Color Changes

Maltipoo Color Changes

When a Maltipoo Dog Fades or Has a Change in His Coat Color


It is very normal for a Maltipoo to be born one color, be another color when he goes to his new home at 8 weeks old and then have a completely new coat color as an adult. Because the Maltipoo has both Poodle and Maltese genes, this fading effect happens quite commonly. It is a naturally occurring element of many Poodles. If the coat does not change at all, this is known as it ‘holding’. And if it changes color, this is known as ‘fading’ or ‘clearing’, though a more accurate term would be ‘changing’ since it may turn darker or deeper. 

Thanks to all of the wonder Members of the site, we are going to have lots of fun seeing the interesting color changes of the Maltipoo. But, before we get into that, let’s go over some important facts to know first:

1) If a Maltipoo is to change color, while change can happen quickly, it can take up to 2 years for the final adult color to be in place.  

2) Some Maltipoo fade in and out with the seasons. In other words, the coat will lighten and darken twice per year, often in alignment with both winter and summer seasons

3) Color changes may occur over the entire coat; however, in other cases, it will only be seen on certain body parts such as the ears and/or the tips of the hairs. 

4) If there are silvers, blues or apricots in the Maltipoo’s parents or up to 5 generations back, there is a greater likelihood of the dog fading. 

5) Two Maltipoo puppies from the same litter may be born the same color. One may fade (if the fading genes was passed down to him) and one may not (if he did not receive that gene). 

Can You Do Anything to Stop Fading? Some owners are not happy to hear that their Maltipoo will change color and will wonder if anything can stop this from happening. At its core, nothing can compete with Mother Nature. However, there are some color enhancing shampoos that can bring out a certain color; these do not dye the coat, rather they enrich the color that is already there. 

Color shampoo for bronze tones will assist tans but also reds and browns. Black of course will encourage black coats and white shampoo will help prevent white coats from yellowing.There is also light color products for apricots, grays, silvers, and light tans. This said, many owners marvel at this change and take it for what it is, the Maltipoo becoming his true self! 

Now, let’s look at some incredible color changes for the Maltipoo:
Maltipoo fading apricot coat
Callie at 2 weeks old and then at 8 months old Photo courtesy of Kim Siciliano
This is a classic example of what can happen to reds and apricots

Apricot – If one parent was red (the Poodle) and the other was white (the Maltese), the Maltipoo may have ‘weak’ red color genes. This can cause that apricot puppy to have a color change to very light apricot or even a cream, as the red fades away as the pup matures. 

Dark reds – For the same reason listed above, dark red Maltipoos may fade to medium apricot. 
If one is breeding to produce Reds or Apricots, one would want to keep introducing dark reds to keep that red gene strong. 
Maltipoo coat change cream to white
This is a great example of what often happens to light apricots and cream Maltipoos

Light Apricot and Cream may fade to white (which is the opposite of other breeds in which whites turn to cream). If a cream or apricot has a pure black nose, the odds are greater that he will fade to white. 

As you can see, as a puppy the coloring on the ears was darker than the rest of the coat, and one year later, those ears held some coloring as the rest of the coat faded to a lighter hue. 
Princess Leia Boo at 8 weeks old and then exactly 1 year later. Photo courtesy of Angela Kampmann
Here, we can see a wonderful time lapse example of what often happens to Maltipoo dogs with black:
Maltipoo line of color change
maltipoo changing colors
Brady. 1st pic is newborn. 2nd pic is 5 weeks. 3rd pic is 10 weeks. 4th pic is 20 weeks. 5th pic is current at 10 months. Photos courtesy of Dawn.
When black is present in the coat, it is very rare for a Maltipoo to hold this color. Many silver Maltipoos are born black and have a changeover to silver. In other cases, black may partially or completely fade off over the course of the first two years, leaving just the original ‘secondary color’ to then be the main base coat color.

What often happens to dark coloring can also be seen in these dramatic color change photos of this Maltipoo that was a beautiful blend of black, gray and cream as a 6 week old puppy. You would think that the dog in the 2nd photo is a different one, however this is the same Maltipoo at 5 months old! The only dark hairs remaining at those on the face, ears and some on the tail. The coat is a soft, creamy white and quite pretty. 
Maltipoo change black to white
Josie Mallory , photos courtesy of Trish Sullivan
Silver beige & White - This is one of the most interesting color changes for a Maltipoo, because white is a sought after color.  It is difficult to produce a white Maltipoo because all of those colored Poodles genes are at play, affecting the white genes of the Maltese. Yet, here we have a sliver beige Maltpoo puppy that transitioned into a white with beige/gray ears! Jackson at 8 weeks & then at 3 years, photo courtesy of Wanda Clements 

For a Maltipoo to become a Silver Beige – First, silver beige is often confused with Café Au Lait. The Café Au Lait will have a liver colored nose (a diluted brown). With a Silver Beige (the Maltipoo’s nose is black), the coat will fade, as this is how the coat color works. The dog transitions into a Silver Beige as he grows.
Seasonal Color Changes

This is a great example of how a Maltipoo's coat color can alter, depending on the season. This is Buddy who is a very dark black... in the summer. He is solid black during that time, even his nails are black. Yet, in the winter, his coat fades... and as you can see in pic #3, gray hairs grow in! Here he is, spring, summer, winter!
Photos of Buddy, courtesy of Alma Drew
More Color Changing Tips

Blue - If a Maltipoo is to be the very rare blue (which is a diluted black and being dubbed blue is dependent on skin pigmentation; the nose, eye rims, lips and paw pads will be steely blue), the Maltipoo puppy is born black and fades to blue. 

Silver – Many silver Maltipoos are born black and change to silver by age 2. 

Café Au Lait – Most Café Au Lait Maltipoos are born brown and fade to their Café Au Lait. This is because Café Au Lait is essentially a brown coat with more of the fading gene. 

Brown – A true brown Maltipoo has a brown nose (not black) and if he is brown, he may change to a lighter brown (may look to be a beige) or to a Café Au Lait. With this color, change can keep occurring for many years, with a portion of brown Maltipoos having a very slow yet gradual graying. 
Let's have a look at some more wonderful examples of color change... and how a beautiful Maltipoo puppy can transition into a gorgeous adult! 
(best viewed on tablet or computer!)
A Final World: Never be surprised if your Maltipoo's coat color changes; with the Poodle genes influencing the coat, this is to be expected. Many more Maltipoo dogs will have a change than those that do not. And of course, it's impossible to say which color is cuter: the puppy color or the adult hue! Also, while seasonal color changes are considered normal, you will also want to make sure to keep using your leave-in coat spray conditioner, as fading from the sun can equal drier, more brittle hair!  Below we have 4 of the "Must  Haves" for proper coat care. 
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