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Maltipoo Constipation

What constitutes Constipation

  • Straining to push out a bowel movement- Through facial expression, vocalization, and body language, a Maltipoo may show that they are having trouble pushing out feces. 
  • Infrequent bowel movements – There will be a change from twice per day stools to just once or even every other day.  
  • Hard stools – When feces does come out, it may have a very hard consistency. 
  • Small stools – The amount that is eventually pushed out may be very small; it may look similar to small, hard pebbles. 

Reasons why a Maltipoo May Become Constipated:

1. Not enough water – If a Maltipoo is not meeting his water requirements, this can affect the stools, making them both hard to push out and devoid of enough water. 

2. Limited exercise – Being sedentary can really take a toll on a dog’s body, affecting all sorts of things, both short and long term. And not taking daily walks can lead to a slowing of the digestive system, which leads to constipation.  

3. Stress – If a Maltipoo is experiencing stress, this can upset his GI tract. This can include chronic issue such as separation anxiety or acute events such as moving to a new home. 

4. Change in diet – Generally, a dog does best when his main meals stay consistent. If there has been a change, there can be a period of adjustment in which the Maltipoo either has loose stools or becomes constipated. Also, some table scraps such as cheese or other milk products can cause this issue. 

5. Not enough fiber - Most high quality commercial dog food brands do pack enough fiber in their kibble, this comes from fruits and vegetables. But lower quality varieties may not have enough and if you are home cooking, you’ll want to make sure that enough veggies and fruits are being fed. Fiber helps move things along by helping there be enough water in the stools, which makes them easier to pass. 

There are some health issues to rule out:

Though most Maltipoos will experience constipation due to the above reasons, it is wise to be aware of certain health conditions that can affect bowel movements. 
  • Enlarged anal glands – Found on all dogs (one on each side of the anus) and also referred to as scent glands, these normally hold a certain amount of oil that is naturally secreted in very small amounts both when a dog meets another (this is why they sniff each other rear ends) and when having a bowel movement. 
If this oil is not released naturally, it may build up, leading to enlarged glands which can trigger an episode of constipation. Eventually, if not treated, the glands may break open, thus 1) making a huge mess and 2) leaving the torn skin vulnerable to infection. In addition, if the engorged sacs do not tear open or are not expressed, the substance inside can become compacted, turning into the consistency of a thick paste (impacted) and also possibly causing constipation.  
  • Enlarged prostate gland – Relevant with male Maltipoos, this is most often seen with senior dogs. This can be caused by a wide range of issues ranging from infection to cancer. 
  • Blockage – Certain foods such as raw hides or non-food items being swallowed by accident can cause stomach or intestinal blockage and this may be partial or full blockage. This is considered an emergency situation that must be treated ASAP. Even a dog with no history of mouthing or chewing a non-food item can swallow something and there is always the possibility of a piece of toy eventually wearing down and ripping enough for chunks to be ingested. 
  • Dehydration – While a low level of dehydration can cause a Maltipoo to be constipated, owners should always be aware of acute dehydration as well. This includes water loss due to exercise on hot summer days without enough intake and other such activities in which the Maltipoo is edging toward heat stress or stroke. 
  • Other issues – Rarer but also possible would be some sort of injury to the pelvic region, neurological disorders or tumors located in the rectum area. Senior dogs may suffer from certain orthopedic issues, most common would be hip related, which can lead to constipation. 
If your Maltipoo is constipated and has any other signs of distress including vomiting, dry heaving, trouble breathing, excess drooling, pacing, bloated stomach, refusal to eat, or lethargy, please do not hesitate to bring him to the vet or closest animal hospital. 

How Long is Too Long for Constipation

There are some home remedies, that we will dive into in a moment, however it is first prudent to discuss that constipation lasting more than 4 days warrants a vet examination. If a Maltipoo is constipated for this amount of time (with or without home treatment), the stools can become impacted. 

When there is a buildup of feces that is not being expelled, this can stretch the large intestine, causing a sort of shutdown. This does not resolve itself. It is referred to as megacolon and needs to be treated via a surgical procedure. Even if a Maltipoo has not quite reached this megacolon stage, veterinary intervention can prevent this from occurring. 

So, again, constipation lasting 4 days or more or if there are other signs of distress, calls for veterinary intervention.  

Treating a Maltipoo for Constipation

Fortunately, there are a few home remedies that can resolve the issue, and most of these will help prevent issues again in the future:

1) More water, please.

There are several things that you can do to encourage your Maltipoo to drink more water and increase overall fluid intake. 
  • Use stainless-steel or ceramic bowls. Dogs tend to drink more when water is cool and plastic bowls do not keep water chilled. They can also lead to nose discoloration when used over a period of time and/or cause contact allergy issues. 
  • Keep the water fresh. When water has small bits of food and/or becomes stale, a dog may hesitate to lap it up. So, do not just top the water off; instead, pour out old water and then fill the bowl up. 
  • Consider obtaining a canine water fountain. While these are not capable of removing all toxins (see next point), they are fantastic for drawing a dog in and keeping him interested via the sound and flow of the water. 
  • Do not offer unfiltered tap water. Just about all tap water in the US is filled with over 100 toxins and contaminants, many of which are proven to cause cancer and/or damage organs. This includes mercury, arsenic, fluoride, chorine, cadmium, barium, nitrates, pesticides, fuel waste, and even Chromium-6.  
To ensure that you are offering clean water, there are a few choices. You can have a quality filter attached to your kitchen tap, offer spring water, or use a filtering water pitcher.
  • Offer water when outside of the house. If you’re leaving the house with your Maltipoo, take along water. Whether this is for a daily walk, a game of fetch, a trip to the dog park, or any other outing, offer water every 20 to 30 minutes. 
  • Add water-packed fruit to meals or give as snack. Some fruits are safe for dogs to eat, super-healthy, and contain high levels of water. This includes blueberries and raspberries, which are also packed with antioxidants. Most Maltipoos will be thrilled to have a handful of these mixed into their kibble. And, these can be given fresh or frozen for snacks. 
2) Increase fiber intake. While too much fiber can cause constipation, a moderate increase can cure constipation. 100% pure pumpkin is the standard home remedy that works well for many dogs. Be diligent about obtaining real pumpkin and not the pie filling, which may have a very similar label on the can. 

Start by mixing 1 teaspoon (if your have a puppy) or 2 teaspoons (if you have an adult) into your Maltipoo’s kibble for one meal of the day (preferably the evening meal).  

Another healthy way to increase fiber is to mix certain greens into meals. Both kale and spinach are good choices. 

3) Coconut oil. For dogs with moderate to severe constipation, this can be a very helpful home remedy; however, this must be done carefully. You don’t want to overdo it. Start with VERY small amounts. A common error is using too much, which can cause upset stomach. You don’t want to go from a constipated Maltipoo to one with diarrhea. Also, don’t use just any coconut oil. You want to use organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil. Start with 1/8 teaspoon or ¼ teaspoon, every 2-3 days. 

4) Exercise. Exercise helps many things, and in this case, it helps move food through the large intestine faster. That means the body absorbs less water; the water stays with the stools which counteracts constipation. In addition, increased breathing and heart rate facilitates natural contraction of intestinal muscles. You can see changes by adding an extra 10-20 minutes to your daily walks.
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